
The CSQ-8 is the standard CSQ scale containing 8 items that comprise the CSQ 3 and 4, plus for additional items. The CSQ-8 is the measure most frequently used, referenced, and translated. The CSQ-8 is available in all CSQ translations and in big print.

The CSQ-8 is available in 50+ languages including US English, UK English, French, and Spanish. BIG PRINT versions are also available in English and Spanish for people who are visually impaired. This empirically developed measure is the most frequently used, referenced, and translated version of the CSQScales®. The CSQ-8 includes the items that comprise the CSQ-3 and CSQ-4 plus four additional items. Psychometric properties, operating characteristics, and coefficient alpha are very strong for this measure. The CSQScales® Reprint Portfolio includes 50+ publications that describe the history of the development and use of the CSQScales®.