CSQ Versions
CSQ-3 | CSQ-4 | CSQ-8 | CSQ-18A | CSQ-18B
Advancing Excellence in Human Services
Client Satisfaction Questionnaire© Versions
General Introduction
The Client Satisfaction Questionnaire© (CSQ) is a portfolio of measurement instruments (CSQScales®) designed to assess consumer satisfaction with health and human services including governmental and public benefit programs and services. The CSQScales®, including the CSQ and the Service Satisfaction Scale, are frequently cited measures in the worldwide scientific literature. Academic researchers, service providers and systems of care executives, and quality assurance ocers select the CSQScales® because of their reliability, validity and sensitivity. The instruments are brief, based in academic scale development methodology, and written to be applicable across the wide array of health and human services. Publications documenting the development and use of the CSQScales® appear in the major journals of program evaluation, psychiatry, health care, social work, and research methodology related to measure development.

The CSQ-3 is the core empirically derived 3 item set of the CSQScales®— the three items most salient to the measurement of service satisfaction. The CSQ-3 is available in all CSQ language versions.
This core set of CSQScales® items (Items 3, 7, & 8 from the CSQ-8) are empirically the most salient items for the measurement of satisfaction with services. The CSQ-3 is frequently used when measurement efficiency is critical and is used as one measure among a battery of other assessment tools. The CSQ-3 is available in all CSQ translations. The CSQScales® Reprint Portfolio presents publications that describe the history of the development of the CSQScales®.
The CSQ-4 contains the core 3 item set plus an additional item measuring improvement of client self-efficacy – capacity to cope and change adaptively. The CSQ-4 is available in all CSQ translations.
This core set of CSQScales® items incorporates the empirically derived item set of the CSQ-3 and adds an additional item measuring improvement in self-efficacy (“Have the services you have received helped you deal more effectively with your problems?”) The CSQ-4 is available in all CSQ language versions. Psychometric properties, operating characteristics, and coefficient alpha are very strong for this measure. The CSQScales® Reprint Portfolio presents publications that describe the history of the development and use of the CSQScales®.
The CSQ-8 is the standard CSQ scale containing 8 items that comprise the CSQ 3 and 4, plus four additional items systematically selected from the CSQScales® empirically derived item pool. The CSQ-8 is the measure most frequently used, referenced, and translated. The CSQ-8 is available in all CSQ languages and in big print.
The CSQ-8 is available in 55+ languages including US English, UK English, French, and Spanish. BIG PRINT versions are available in English and Spanish for people who are visually impaired. This empirically developed measure is the most frequently used, referenced, and translated version of the CSQScales®. The CSQ-8 includes the items that comprise the CSQ-3 and CSQ-4 plus four additional items systematically selected from the CSQScales® empirically derived item pool. Psychometric properties, operating characteristics, and coefficient alpha are very strong for this measure. The CSQScales® Reprint Portfolio includes 50+ publications that describe the history of the development and use of the CSQScales®.
The CSQ-18A, and its mate the CSQ-18B, are frequently used in research and field studies requiring an extensive array of desirable scale items. Both are ideal for studies that feature test-retest measurement within a brief time frame.
The CSQ-18A and its mate, the CSQ-18B are most frequently used in research projects and offer extensive inclusion of items from the broader CSQScales® empirical item pool. Available in English only, the CSQ-18A is a parallel form of the CSQ-18B and is ideal for studies that feature test-retest measurement within a brief time frame. The CSQ-18A is a longer instrument and offers broader scope in topical coverage plus stronger leverage on sensitivity and reliability required to detect differences in level of satisfaction when comparing research or intervention groups. Psychometric properties, operating characteristics, and coefficient alpha are very strong for this measure. The CSQScales® Reprint Portfolio presents publications that describe the history and use of the development of the CSQScales®.
CSQ-18B, an 18-item scale parallel to the CSQ-18A, containing the CSQ-8 items plus 10 additional items —measuring expanded content coverage. The CSQ-18B is available in most CSQ translations.
The CSQ-18B includes all the items that comprises the CSQ-8 plus ten additional items systematically selected from the CSQScales® empirically derived item pool. Available in many languages, including English and Spanish, the CSQ-18B is a longer instrument and offers broader scope in topical coverage plus stronger leverage on sensitivity and reliability required to detect differences in satisfaction levels when comparing research or intervention groups. Psychometric properties, operating characteristics, and coefficient alpha are very strong for this measure — and the CSQ-18A, as well. The CSQScales® Reprint Portfolio presents publications that describe the history of the development of the CSQScales®.