
The CSQ-18A, and its mate the CSQ-18B, are frequently used in research and field studies requiring an extensive array of desirable scale items. Both are ideal for studies that feature test-retest measurement within a brief time frame.

The CSQ-18A and its mate, the CSQ-18B are most frequently used in research projects and offer extensive inclusion of the broader CSQScales® empirical item pool. Available in English, the CSQ-18A is a parallel form of the CSQ-18B and is ideal for studies that feature test-retest measurement within a brief time frame. The CSQ-18A is a longer instrument and offers broader scope in topical coverage plus stronger leverage on sensitivity and reliability required to detect differences between research or intervention groups. Psychometric properties, operating characteristics, and coefficient alpha are very strong for this measure. The CSQScales® Reprint Portfolio presents publications that describe the history and use of the development of the CSQScales®.